Chris Robinson

Chris served in Jamaica from 2007-2009 as a community development specialist. Based in the town of Glengoffe, Chris advised a local civic group and implemented a string of projects in agriculture, small business development, environmental engineering, and rural water supply. During the second year of his service, Chris partnered with agricultural extension officers communities across NE St. Catherine parish, helping farmers organize into functioning groups and embark on similar projects. He also acquired a cat.

Chris moved to DC in 2010 and joined a congressional office as a legislative fellow, overseeing a portfolio including international development and LGBTQ civil rights. He found RPCVs in many other offices in the House and Senate and co-founded the Peace Corps Congressional Staff Association. He became involved with RPCV/W and oversaw fundraising efforts for the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Event at Arlington National Cemetery.

Chris joined the Board in 2011 as Development Director and became Communications Director in 2012. As Coms Director, he was a driving force behind the growth of RPCV/W's online outreach capabilities. He instituted the use of annual member surveys and data analytics for strategic planning. He led a rebranding effort resulting in the adoption of a new logo. His proudest accomplishment was the development and launch of a membership website that complements RPCV/W's vibrant social media presence and allows the organization to manage and mobilize thousands of members with an elected, all-volunteer staff.

Chris was elected President in 2015 and has thoroughly enjoyed leading the Board in working toward its goals, which included streamlining its operations and opening up its capabilities to all members. As President, he encouraged the growth of member-led events and supported improvements for online record-keeping. His vision is that of a vibrant, welcoming community always striving to accommodate the diverse interests of its expanding membership, regardless of whether they served in Peace Corps or simply share its values. He now serves as an advisor to the current board, helping out where needed. Contact him at [email protected]

Chris also serves as Treasurer of Friends of Jamaica, which raises funds and makes small grants to for grassroots development projects on the island.

Previous Board Positions: Development Director, 2011-12; Communications Director, 2012-15, President 2015 - 2018.

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Chris Robinson

Chris Robinson

First Country of Service
Jamaica 2007 - 2009
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Rockville, MD