Camilla Pearson

I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo from 2009-2011. I served as a Girls' Education and Empowerment Volunteer and was a Mentor in Togo PCV's Peer Support Network. The readjustment after COS was an exciting and difficult period to navigate, and I ultimately moved to Washington, DC where I've lived for the last 7 years. I've had jobs here working for the federal government, a major non-profit, and a small for-profit business in the fields of International Development, International Health, and Training and Organizational Development, before finally deciding to pursue my Masters in Social Work degree. 

As a RPCV/W mentor, I'd be excited to be able to provide support and a listening ear to those transitioning back to the US after COS and those navigating the different careers and opportunities that DC offers.

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Camilla Pearson

Camilla Pearson

First Country of Service
Togo 2009-2011
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Washington, DC