Join NOVARPCV for our quarterly gathering and potluck on Sunday, May 22 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Reston, VA. We will meet both outside on a beautiful shaded patio and inside the home in Reston, Virginia, and enjoy conversation, food, and beverages. If you feel comfortable sharing a potluck dish or beverage, please bring one.
After socializing and eating for about an hour we will share NOVARPCV announcements. We have a number of events coming up later in the year including the Multicultural Festival in September.
We will have a speaker to address the situation in Ukraine. Ezra Casteel is a Ukraine RPCV who is a member of RPCV/Washington. He will be providing an update on the situation in Ukraine and sharing how Ukraine RPCVs are supporting Ukrainians and information on relief efforts and how NOVARPCV members can get involved.
Please RSVP going directly to the NOVA RPCV website here and clicking the "RSVP without logging in" button so we can have a count of attendees and you can receive the homeowner's address in Reston. If you have a folding chair, please bring one since we may need it.
We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!