Brendan Moroso
Brendan Moroso served in Morocco as a Youth Development Volunteer from 2009-2011. When he moved to DC in early 2012 he quickly jumped into the RPCV community with both feet by joining RPCV/W and attending career events at Peace Corps. He even briefly created the RPCVs of Eastern Market for those of us who were interested in socializing in South East. After landing a position at the State Department, He served as Executive of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers at State. In this position He led a 600 RPCV-strong community whose all volunteer board ran a newsletter, speaker series, website, put on quarterly lunches and happy hours, and advocated for increased hiring of RPCVs.
In 2014 He left State to work in the Office of Innovation at Peace Corps. In this position He has worked closely with the Peace Corps Acting Director and the President of the National Peace Corps Association to continue to make our community vibrant. Originally from San Francisco, California he absolutely loves having seasons, but hates humidity. He did his undergraduate at UC Santa Cruz and his graduate at King’s College London.
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