SAVE THE DATE to march in the Capital Pride Parade with Peace Corps!
Saturday, June 8th, 2024
Washington DC
NOTE: Meeting location, start time, and additional details/instructions will be sent to attendees closer to the event.
All RPCVs who are in or around the DC area are invited and encouraged to come march with Spectrum (Peace Corps’ LGBTQIA+ ERG), Peace Corps leadership, and local RPCVs during this annual event that both honors LGBTQIA+ history and acknowledges the evolution of LGBTQIA+ neighborhoods in Washington, DC. This year’s parade route will take us through DC’s Shaw, Logan Circle, Downtown, and Penn Quarter neighborhoods.
Plan on attending?
Adding your info to the sign-up sheet will assist us in organizing a successful Pride Parade. We hope to have participation from all across the Peace Corps network so please sign-up no later than May 31st, 2024. We appreciate your time and consideration and thank you in advance for your participation.
Parade Route:
We have a new Parade route for 2024! Please note that the Parade route will NOT be going through the historic Dupont neighborhood, however, we’re excited that our annual Block Party will remain on 17th street, with our Family Area at Stead Park.
Staging: On 15th Street NW, between 11:00 am and 2:30 pm
Step off: 14th Street at T Street NW, at 3:00 pm
Finish: Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th Street NW