Chad Ryerson

I am a high-performing Emergency Management professional concerned with serving the disaster survivor, driving results, and learning more about how to build successful teams and coalitions. I am an innovator and self-starter, someone who loves to find creative solutions to the nation’s complex Emergency Management problems. I seek to listen to, and learn from, my more experienced colleagues. I have specialties and expertise in the areas of Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, Community Planning & Capacity Building, and Disaster and Humanitarian Operations. I genuinely enjoy bringing people together to create value through information and innovation. I believe in generative learning, and seek to learn something new every day. I have strong international interests and have studied in Europe, the Middle East, and Australia and have lived abroad in Australia, Honduras, and South Sudan. I bring openness, compassion, enthusiasm, and flexibility to the table. I speak English and Spanish.

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Chad Ryerson

Chad Ryerson

First Country of Service
Honduras 2008-2011
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Wayne, ME