Join RPCV/W, We Are Family, and members of the RPCVs@State employee association to deliver groceries to ~400 seniors in the Columbia Heights neighborhood!
Meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Kelsey Apts, 3322 14th Street NW (1 1/2 blocks from the Columbia Heights metro). We will have a short orientation, then unload groceries and/or do some bag assembly, and finally break into delivery groups. Each team will have an experienced volunteer leader, and all deliveries should be complete by 1pm. Light snacks will be provided.
Volunteers are encouraged to bring cars if they can, but not essential. Good walking shoes and comfortable, casual clothes are recommended.
We Are Family serves over 600 seniors in the Shaw, North Capitol Street, Adams-Morgan, Petworth, and Columbia Heights neighborhoods. It mobilizes a committed corps of volunteers to reach out to isolated inner-city seniors with free services, advocacy, and companionship, building a network of caring eyes and ears that enables at-risk seniors to age in place.