Our friends at the National Peace Corps Association will be hosting the first LGBTQIA+ RPCVs Happy Hour! Join us for an evening of conversation, trivia, and celebration of identity! As the LGBTQIA+ RPCVs affiliate group revamps, we'd love to hold space for the community to engage in a spirit of levity and friendship. Additionally, the RPCV LGBTQ+ Affiliate group is fundraising for LGBTQ+ Ukrainians through Outreach Action International: https://outrightinternational.org/?form=RPCVUkraine
Please join us on Thursday March 31 at 6:00 p.m. EST! We'd love to see you there!
Be sure to click "RSVP" to receive the zoom details. If you do not receive the zoom link, please email [email protected]
This event has passed. Contact us if you'd like to do it again!
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