NCE Info Session


April 21, 2020 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm
  Add to Calendar 04/21/2020 17:30:00 04/21/2020 18:30:00 America/New_York NCE Info Session Check for the latest info.

Who's going

Join RPCV/W for a discussion about Non-competitive Eligibility (NCE)! Kate Rohrbaugh is an RPCV who taught English as a foreign language in Ukraine in 1993-1995. She holds a master's degree in policy sciences and she worked at Peace Corps HQ for 4 years. She is currently a management analyst at the U.S. Department of State. 

Zoom meeting info - 

Topic: NCE Info Session
Time: Apr 21, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Password: 382675
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Maura Sullivan Katherine Freeman Jocelyn Nieto Dan Baker Jae Cho Huck Sachse-Hofheimer Phillip Valderrama Daniel Gottfried Edgar Palomino Ashley Philbeck Raisa Alstodt Levi Rokey Luis Gomez Carol Barrick-Murillo Elizabeth Spencer Madeline Andrews Megan Pringle Hillary Holman Methi Satyanarayana Zane Heather Katherine Clark Karen Guzman Michael McNichols Deborah Cohen Kathleen McDonnell
This event has passed. Contact us if you'd like to do it again!