Each year, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) holds the Peace Corps Connect conference. This year it will be held in the Pocono Mountains in Shawnee, Pennsylvania! RPCV/W will be taking two vans from the DMV area up to the conference and back. Please join us and reserve your spot today. We are asking for $20 per individual who rides our van to cover the cost of transportation (i.e. gas).
And because we have arranged this carpool, NPCA has generously given us a 10% discount on conference registration when you use the code "rideshare10"! Please take a look at the conference website for more details on the conference and registration prices. Discounted prices are also available for recently returned volunteers!
For those who have RSVP'd, the organizers will contact you in order to arrange an exact time and location for pick up. At this point, we plan to leave the DC area around noon on August 23.