Annual Gala 2023: Annual General Meeting
Posted by Jenna Smith · May 02, 2023 9:12 PM
Deadline extended: RPCV/W 2023 Board elections are open!
Posted by Kenneth Goughnour · January 17, 2023 8:49 AM
RPCV/W 2023 Board elections are open!
Posted by Kenneth Goughnour · December 03, 2022 11:24 AM
About us
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington, D.C. (RPCV/W) is a member-driven organization committed to the Peace Corps’ Third Goal: Promoting a better understanding of the peoples of the world within our local community. It was founded in 1979 and incorporated in 1990.
Representing more than 10,000 returned Peace Corps Volunteers, Peace Corps staff, Peace Corps families and supporters, RPCV/W is one of the largest organizations of its kind in the world. It is also one of the most active, holding dozens of local events each year and frequently partnering with nonprofit organizations of all sizes and government agencies on shared initiatives. RPCV/W is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and governed by an elected board of directors.
RPCV/W convenes its members through social events, professional development activities and community service opportunities to give back to the DMV. Our organization is passionate about supporting our members' and our community's needs to address white saviorism, disparities, and other systemic issues that are holding us back from a better world. We hope to provide a network of resources and support for our members as we continue serving in our careers and through cross-cultural experiences. When we aren't sitting around holding hands and playing wagon wheel on our guitars, you can find our members contributing to local initiatives and well okay, let's be honest, there is a lot of wagon wheel. But it's really catchy!
The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington DC (RPCV/W) fosters an inclusive network for members to connect through social, professional, and service opportunities. We build upon the skills and experiences of RPCVs to serve our communities and promote a deeper understanding of our world and its cultures.
We envision a world in which all people are respected, valued, and treated with dignity and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers’ knowledge, skills, and perspectives are recognized and utilized for positive change in the Nation’s Capital and beyond.
RPCV/W's bylaws outline the rules which are used to govern the internal affairs of the organization. They can be found here.
RPCV/W is not the Peace Corps, nor does it directly donate to overseas Peace Corps programs. For information about Peace Corps, please visit
RPCV/W is a Member Group of the National Peace Corps Association. To learn more about the NPCA, visit
RPCV/W has issued digital annual reports since 2003.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you want to know about RPCV/W? Let us know and we'll put it on the FAQ.
- What's the relationship between RPCV/W, the NPCA, and the Peace Corps?
- Where can I find housing in DC?
- Do you lobby?
- How do I get on the listserv?
- What's the difference between members and non-members?
- How can I get an item in the newsletter?
- How does this site work?
- How do I advertise in the newsletter?