Thanks to the time and energy of amazing people, the site is on track to launch. New pages have been added, features are being tested and we're learning to confront our fear of white space.
The past few weeks have seen a few major additions as the site nears its final form. For one, we nixed the background image in favor of a clean, simple canvas. The home page has been reformatted to prepare for the change over, introducing members to the new features and inviting them to tour the site and offer feedback.
I've caught up to 2010 and built a Prezi, giving a short overview of RPCV/W, which will most likely be moved to the About page. When we begin migrating members, I will design another Prezi that walks them step by step through activating and using their accounts.
We're building a page to sell our awesome RPCV/W Tshirts which should be operational in a few days. When it's ready, we'll direct traffic there to test the payment process and give members a sense of what to expect.
The Country Groups page is coming along, thanks to the work of dedicated volunteers. Each group designates a representative who is granted editor status. They are in charge of adding and editing content for their respective groups. I plan on introducing a similar directory of RPCV workplace groups which will be accessible only to members.
The Mentor page is up as well. It's our portal to the NPCA's RPCV Mentoring Program. Mentors and mentees are directed through separate sign up processes and matched accordingly. We will do our part by promoting and featuring it prominently in both the public and members' sections.
Finally, I took our latest batch of member data and created a new density map to compliment the last one from 2012. The new map, based on better data, shows clearer lines of density for where RPCVs choose to live in the region. Once again, Columbia Heights is ground zero for our group.
Plenty of work remains to be done. If you'd like to pitch in, please contact me. Happy Holidays!