Join women from various sectors as they discuss their journeys to leadership!
We are honored to feature as panelists:
Donna Barnes, CEO, DHB Wellness & Associates, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Howard University
Kimberly Flowers, Director, Humanitarian Agenda & Global Food Security Project, CSIS
Margaret McLaughlin, Ed.D, retired Director, Leadership Training Division at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State
Kate Raftery, Director of Service Innovation, U.S. Peace Corps, and former Peace Corps Country Director, Paraguay
If you have questions or topics that you would like the panelists to address, please email [email protected] by Tuesday, November 6. Participants will also have a chance to ask questions at the event. We also welcome recommendations for future panelists!
This event has passed. Contact us if you'd like to do it again!
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