Since January 2017, Grassroots Comedy has produced 70 comedy shows for nearly 55 non-profits in the Washington, DC area, and has raised roughly $40,000 for causes in a time of need. And we did it all through laughter.
Now join us for our 5th anniversary as we bring down the house at Union Stage on Feb 16!
The line up includes:
- Headliner Jason Weems (NBC’s Last Comic Standing, Amazon Prime)
- Blaire Postman (Lady ADHD)
- Martin Phillips (Cleveland Comedy Festival)
- Violet Gray (Night Train w/ Wyatt Cenac)
- Leon Scott (WUSA 9 Comedy Writer)
- Hosted by Chris Blackwood (Grassroots Comedy Co-Founder & CEO) and Kasha Patel (Thrillist magazine’s “Best Undiscovered Comedians in the US”).
We do have a limited number of discounted tickets for RPCVs. Use this discount code: GCDCRPCV for $10 off!
Joe OConnor
$25.00 USD
· Purchase tickets
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