HHS Returned Peace Corps Volunteers present:
“Peace Corps & NIH/HHS: COVID-19 Response and Impact”
Dr. Karen Becker, Associate Director, Office of Health Services, Peace Corps
Dr. Peter Kilmarx, Deputy Director, Fogarty International Center, National Institute of Health; RPCV, Zaire, fisheries – 1984-86
This event is an opportunity to join the HHS RPCVs for a timely and important discussion on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, synergies between the work of HHS and Peace Corps, and what RPCVs can do to support current and future efforts.
Thursday, May 21, 2020; 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (EDT)
RSVP by Tuesday, May 19th.
HHS employees, please RSVP via max.gov: https://community.max.gov/x/yTBIfw
All others, please RSVP via email to [email protected] with subject "RSVP" and include your full name and years/country of service in the email.
Teleconference: 1-800-857-0127; Participant Code: 7682500
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about this event.