Maps are awesome. Aside from shaping the course of history, maps make sense of reams of data and give the viewer a commanding insight into the issues at hand. Thanks to easy-to-use open source programs, we're able to take some of the info we collect and generate these interesting and useful visuals.
Density Map
We used address data to visualize what parts of DC host the highest concentrations of our members. We use it to plan events near RPCV hotspots. New arrivals can use it to choose a neighborhood and familiarize themselves with the District.
Social Map
This map is only accessible to logged-in members. It's a google map that anyone can edit. Participants chart their neighborhoods and workplaces and leave contact information. Members use it to meet their neighbors, arrange carpools, and plan small gatherings.
Service Map
Most Peace Corps Volunteers work for 2 years abroad. Some extend or take another tour. This map shows where our members have served. It's a choropleth, so different countries are shaded depending on how many of us have worked there. Since we're not all RPCVs, the United States is also represented.
This is a project of a currently-serving Peace Corps Volunteer who thought it would be useful to create a map where people could identify their sites, link to their blogs, and tag critical information. It's a great resource for invitees who are preparing for deployment.