Each summer, RPCV/W holds its Annual Meeting as stipulated in its bylaws. All RPCV/W Members and their guests are welcome at this catered event. This year, our Summer Barbecue will be held at the National Zoo on June 22 from 12 - 3pm.
Each summer, RPCV/W holds its Annual Meeting as stipulated in its bylaws. All RPCV/W Members and their guests are welcome at this catered event. This year, our Summer Barbecue will be held at the National Zoo on June 22 from 12 - 3pm.
The Barbecue is also the time when we hold elections for for the next year's Board of Directors. There are currently 11 Board Members, and you could be one. Click here for descriptions of each position.
About the Board
RPCV/W was formally incorporated as an independent 501(c)(3) organization in 1991. As such, it is governed by a corporate board who are elected from its membership and charged with running the organization. They meet monthly, hold several planning retreats, and maintain constant email communication.
Any active member of RPCV/W who wants to get more involved in the management side of things may self nominate and run for any number of positions. Opportunities abound for informal leadership positions as well. You don't need to be elected to lead an activity or start a project.
How to Run
To get on the ballot, email Chris Austin at [email protected] by June 13. Indicate the position you are interested in and provide a brief bio of yourself describing your Peace Corps service, what you do in DC, and what you wish to pursue as a leader of RPCV/W.
Online voting starts on June 17 and ends June 21. Members who wish to withold their votes may do so and vote at the BBQ on June 22. The votes are tallied shortly after and announced to the group. July is typically an off-month, and members of the new board begin their terms in August.
Voting Schedule
June 14: Deadline for nominations.
June 17: Online polls open. Members will be able to vote via the Member's Only section of the website and accessing a simple Google form.
June 21: Deadline for online voting.
June 22: Members who wish to withold their votes to meet the candidates may do so and vote in person at the BBQ on June 22. The online and in person votes are tallied and the new board is introduced to the group.
Voters may withhold their votes to meet with the candidates, then vote at the Barbecue itself. The election results are announced at the event.
Why Run?
Serving in a leadership role for a vibrant, growing organization is a tremendous experience. Your vote, the strength of your ideas, and your talents for collaboration will determine the future of the organization. The RPCV/W Board is nimble and adaptive. Most of its work is done through email and social media. You are supported by a close, dedicated team of generalists who are fully committed to serving and shaping the local Peace Corps community. If you have ideas and the capacity to put them into action, we want you on the ballot!