Let's go visit President Lincoln's Cottage in NE DC for a Private Tour. From the website, "For over a quarter of his Presidency, Abraham Lincoln lived in his cottage at the Soldiers’ Home. While living here, he visited with allies and adversaries, veterans, wounded soldiers, spent time with self-emancipated men, women and children, and developed the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln’s experiences here provided new and diverse perspectives on issues of freedom, justice, and humility. Learn more about the history of President Lincoln’s Cottage." The cost of the tour is $15. Please RSVP and pay by clicking on the button below.
The Tour will officially start at 1pm however, if you want to be social and meet some fellow RPCVs informally please join us for lunch at Slash Run next to the Cottage entrance @ 12pm. Please let me know if you plan to join and please arrive on time since the tour will start promptly at 1pm we will have 45 minutes.